New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
Environmental Assessment in the WIO Region 
Review of the Policy, Legal, regulatory and Institutional Frameworks for Land-based Sources and Activities Managment in the Western Indian Ocean Region 
Guidelines for the Establishment of Environmental Quality Objectives and Targets in the Coastal Zone of the Western Indian Ocean 
Regional Synthesis Report on the Status of Pollution on the Western Indian Ocean Region 
Towards a Protocol for Long-term Monitoring if Marine Environmental Quality Monitoring in the Western Indian Ocean 
Ectractive Industries and Sustainable Development: A Best Practice Guide for Offshore Oil and Gas Development in the West African Marine Ecoregion 
Year: 2010 
The Eastern African Marine Ecoregion Conservation Plan 2005-2009 
Year: 2004 
Locally Managed Fisheries in the Western Indian Ocean: AReview of Past and Present Initiatives 
Year: 2017 
The Eastern African Marine Ecoregion Biodiversity Conservation Stategic Framework 2005-2025 
Year: 2004 
Environmental Management of Offshore Oil Development and Maritime Oil Transport 
ISBN: 295149145X